Your Moments Are Important
We know how much the smallest details matter
It’s the infectious snort that escapes your partner when they laugh their absolute hardest. The song that played when you courageously confessed your feelings for one another. The comforting interlock of hands, a perfect fit. We live for this stuff.
We believe in the profound power of photography to document and preserve the memories and emotions of the day. Not only the big milestones, but also the fleeting instances and unseen connections that unfold around you.
The symphony of birds serenading during portraits. The clasping of hands during a speech. The silent, tearful expressions of joy wiped away by a loved one while you exchange vows.
A wedding day is rich with layers of love, emotion, and exhilaration. It’s the magnetic force that draws us back time and again as photographers. And it’s the essence that transforms every couple’s journey into an extraordinary narrative worth capturing and sharing.

A LITTle bit About us
We began this journey as a newly married couple. . .
exploring photography together and became hooked on weddings immediately.
Now, after 17+ years as friends, 12+ years married, and 10+ years in photography together, our passion for documenting weddings has only deepened.
To say we are honored to be included in such a momentous occasion in your life is an understatement - it is a joy and a privilege, and one we don’t take for granted.
Connect with us
Fast (and fun) facts
17+ years as friends, 12+ years married, 10+ years photographing weddings, 6+ years as human parents / Pets: We Love them (like all of them and all the time!) / We met in college when we were both pursuing architecture degrees. We forged our friendship during all-nighters working in the studio and the 1:30am pizza deliveries that kept us going / One of our favorite things since our first year of marriage is to enjoy Mexican Cokes (with a splash of rum) while watching the sunset on the Oregon Coast / Bob is a licensed architect. This background gives him a unique perspective on the world and approach to photography / Lauryn loves Tiki Drinks. Mai Tais are her favorite, but basically if it has rum and something fruity or sour, she’s game / Lauryn taught Bob to love old
black & white movies

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